Sermons on Miracles of Jesus

Sermon on Miracles of Jesus

Widows Son Sermon

Luke 7:11-17


“What is your nain?”


Main Point of Text-Jesus is a compassionate God that displays His power for His glory and our good.


main Point of Sermon-Jesus is our compassionate savior that can raise our dead places to life for His glory and our good.


*1*Our God is compassionate (13)

Compassion-he saw her, in that moment. Moved in the inward parts (heart) 

Mark 1:40-41 compassion on leper

Matthew 9:36 harassed and helpless like a sheep with out a shepherd

Psalm 34:18 near to the broken hearted, saves the crushed in spirit


*2* What is your nain? What is the dead place in your life that you need Jesus to touch? (14)

    • We’ve already gotten this miracle once
  • Colossians 2:13-14
  • What dead place in your life needs Him to touch?
    1. Marriage
    2. Sin
    3. Lifestyle
    4. Depression
    5. Anxiety
    6. Gluttony
    7. Self control
    8. Broken relationship
    9. Unforgiveness
    10. Something physical
    11. Someone else? 
    12. Jeremiah 32:27 Is there anything too hard for God?


*3* God is still speaking and still visiting His people (14-16)

First we must understand, believe and know that He is still with us. (leads to seeking & dwelling in His word)

  • Matthew 28:20
    • Hebrews 4:15 sympathize w/ our weaknesses
  • Luke 4:4
  • Isaiah 55:11 


*4* God gone get His glory, let Him display it in you (15-16)

Psalm 33

luke 7 11-17 widows son picture funeral

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