Why Submit a Sermon?

Is it a sermon that would bless the body?  Is it a sermon that a new preacher could learn from or even re-purpose?  Is it a sermon from a preacher that we as preachers should get to know?  These are all reasons to submit sermons to Sermon Transcripts.org.  Our team will review the sermon and add it to the database within a couple of days.  

Table of Contents

how much do pastors get paid, usually not that much

Does a Pastor Get Paid?

How Does Pastor Get Paid? | Questions About Preacher / Pastor Salary, Money, Etc Pastor Salary & Compensation is a Popular Topic Concerning the Church

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Romans 1:18-21 Sermon

Romans 1:18-21 Sermon Romans 1:18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness

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