The Ten Lepers Sermon

The Ten Lepers Sermon

“A Merciful God for a Grateful Soul”


Luke 17:11-19

A Merciful God for a Grateful Soul

  • Met by 10 lepers who stood at a distance
    • Leviticus-laws for lepers, must keep distance
  • Lifted up their voices, “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us”
    • Name of Jesus everything bows including leper
      • Master-Philippians 2:5-11
    • Have mercy
      • Anthem for a people in need
      • Maybe they heard about….that said have mercy
        • Blind bartimeous
        • Canaanite woman
  • Go show yourselves to the priests
    • They according to the law can give them a physical and declare them covid free 🙂
  • And as they went they were cleansed
    • As they believed and obeyed
    • As their feet followed their faith
    • As they trusted and took action
    • We don’t know how far they walked, but we know that Jesus healed them
    • Isn’t this like salvation, isn’t this how our life in Christ is?
  • One turned back, praising God with a loud voice
    • megas-phones
    • He was so thankful for the blessing that it caused him to loudly exclaim praise and fall at the feet of Jesus and continued to give thanks
    • Psalm 47:1 Clap your hands, all peoples! Shout to God with loud songs of joy!


  • He was a samaritan
    • Didn’t associate with Jews
    • In fact they were beefing
    • This is also a preview of Jesus and the kingdom being for Jew and Greek
  • Were not ten cleansed, where are the 9
    • They gladly received the blessing but didn’t turn around to bless the blessor
    • Ungrateful
    • Entitled
    • Self-centered
  • Your faith has made you well
    • Our faith is a component to God’s move
    • You can have faith and no praise
    • Ties in with the previous parable, an unworthy servant doesn’t expect to be served, understands who the master is and is thankful
    • Previous parable (luke 17:7-10)


What is the main point of this text? God expects our praise for His merciful acts of kindness towards His children.  In other words, Be Grateful.


  • Has God been good to us?
    • Salvation
    • James 1:17
  • Do we give God megaphone praise?
    • Psalm 98:4 Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth; break forth into joyous song and sing praises!


  • Are we grateful?

    • 1 Thessalonians 5:18 Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
    • Hebrews 12:28  28 Therefore let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, and thus let us offer to God acceptable worship, with reverence and awe, 29 for our God is a consuming fire.
  • What does our gratefullness look like?

    • Worship
    • A life of thankfulness
    • Everyday conversation
    • Making sacrifices for God in this life (time, treasure, talents)
    • Being Content


End with psalm 100

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