Sermon Notes

Sermon Transcripts is a Free resource for preachers and for consumers of the word of God. For preachers, this is another way to help as we prepare week after week. Whether it is seeing how another minister used a particular text, drawing inspiration for your next sermon series, or formulating your outline from another pastor’s sermon notes, this may be a good resource.

For consumers of sermons, I can’t tell you how many times when going through a struggle of some sort, I sought the encouragement of the heralded Word of God from the man of God. I hope that the sermon notes and transcripts will encourage you in your walk with God.

This collection is meant to be useful to all, regardless of denomination or tradition. We probably lean a little on the reformed side, but that camp seems to have more sermon notes out there. As a curator of sermons, I try to give voice to many preachers, but if you see something that is clearly heretical, please email us and let us know! God bless you!

Recent Sermon Transcripts

Black Liberation Theologians

Black Liberation Theologians Black liberation theologians have been at the forefront of social justice movements for centuries. It wasn’t until the 1960s, however, that their

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