What is a Pentecostal Church Service Like
What is a pentecostal church service like…Long, Loud, Emotive, Hopeful. Notice the first two adjectives are kind of negative, but the second two are kind of positive. This would be the same whether we are talking a reformed service, baptist service, evangelical service, methodist service, etc. This is because every “tribe” of christianity has its positives and its negatives.
The positives of pentecostal services in my opinion are plenty.
Pentecostal church services are filled with praise
Psalm 33:3 ESV Sing to him a new song; play skillfully on the strings, with loud shouts
I would argue that the praise you experience in a pentecostal service is closer to what we will experience in heaven than most services. There are loud praises, there are tears, there is participation, there is playing of many instruments in the seats (ie, tambourines or noisemakers). You will hear lots of Hallelujahs, there will be people up and singing. Everyone is fighting to be in the presence of God.
Pentecostal church services are emotive
Romans 12:15 ESV Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep.
You will likely see tears, you will see a facial expression that is definitely not neutral, you may even see what I’ll call a violent praise. You will certainly see dancing, can you dance with emotion? Again, I believe the strength of this “tribe” of Christianity is their expressive and outward love for God. Giving God the praise that is due Him.
Pentecostal church services prioritize the outward signs of the spirit
1 Corinthians 14:23 ESV If, therefore, the whole church comes together and all speak in tongues, and outsiders or unbelievers enter, will they not say that you are out of your minds?
Pentecostals church services tend to really hone in on the spiritual sign gifts, ie: tongues, prophesy, healing, discernment, etc. I would bet my entire bank account that in the midst of a pentecostal service you will hear someone talking and won’t understand what they are saying (unless you have the gift of interpretation of tongues that is). I will sound something like ha-la-bon-shadia-con-tiya-ebosha.
How do I know, I heard it during my ENTIRE childhood. This is my knock against the pentecostal church, the scripture clearly states don’t parade the tongues in public. It also states not to forbid tongues, however, that would be referring to the proper setting. I believe there is a certain ecstasy involved in tongue talking or glossilalia if you will. I recall being in a service with a guided prayer. The first ten prayer points were at an enthusiasm level of maybe 6.5. However, when the mc said pray in your prayer language, the place exploded. I will leave you to your thoughts on why.
All of that being said, I love pentecostal worship services, why? Because God deserves 100% of 0ur praise. There is no reason a secular spectacle elicits more praise than worshipping Jesus in the beauty of holiness and in spirit and truth!
Where to find a pentecostal worship service
My experience in pentecostal worship has been in the Church of God in Christ (COGIC). However, there are a few that may be in your area.
Apostolic Church
Assemblies of God.
Association of Vineyard Churches
Church of God in Christ
Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship
What do pentecostals believe
Even though several Pentecostal churches may hold slightly different views, most of them adhere to the same fundamental principles. For instance, they hold that only Jesus can offer salvation and healing, and that he will one day make another trip back to the planet. They also hold to the notion that speaking in tongues and the interpretation of languages are signs of the Holy Spirit’s baptism, which takes place.
Pentecostals believe in both heavenly healing and the value of visiting doctors and receiving medical care. They hold that the Bible should be read literally. In the Pentecostal church, both men and women are free to serve, preach, and instruct.