1 Samuel 3:1-11

1 Samuel 3:1-11 Mpt-Just as God called and spoke to Samuel, God has called and speaks to you His children. But like Samuel, we must intentionally listen. Micro moment – macro application What Word of the Lord was rare, no frequent vision Book of the Law Prophets Amos 8:11-12 “Behold, the days […]
1 Samuel 2:1-10

Start with the sovereignty of God (1 Samuel 2:1-10) Introduce the characters (verse 11-12) The LORD, Samuel, Eli, sons of Eli (hophni and phineas) Main Point-The Lord in His omniscience and omnipotence is dynamically involved in people, and events of life. Therefore swim downstream. what? Worthless men Stole God’s offering […]
desperate situation, faithful God

Intro Facebook quote Today we are going to look at the point where desperation and crisis meet God 1st Samuel 1:1-20 Desperate Situation, Faithful God what This is about Hannah & Her God Re-emphasize the trauma using the text 2 wives Jesus, Mathew 19:1-9 Paul, Ephesians 5:25-33 the Lord had closed her womb Sarah/Hagar Rachel/Bilha […]