Rest & Unbelief Part 1

Mpt-unbelief kept our forefathers from receiving their promise of rest and if left unchecked, unbelief will Also derail our hope and promise of salvation and rest. Hebrews 3:7-19 Rest and unbelief. Part 1 *1 We must check our heart Verses 7-12 Talk about the 40 years Miraculous escape Manna and water Promised […]
Faith for the Promise

Abraham Genesis 12:1-9, 17:1-8 Galatians 3:6-9 6 just as Abraham “believed God, and it was counted to him as righteousness”? 7 Know then that it is those of faith who are the sons of Abraham. 8 And the Scripture, foreseeing that God would justify[a] the Gentiles by faith, preached the gospel beforehand to Abraham, […]