5 Loaves & 2 Fish Sermon

sermon on five loaves and two fishes Sermon Notes on Mark 6:35-44 Mark 6:35-44 The prequel Read Mark 6:7, 6:12-13 Prequel- (7) called, equipped and sent Proclaimed to repent and believe Casted out demons and healed the sick *full of evidence of Jesus’ divine power and likely full of confidence and faith in Jesus […]
Rest & Unbelief Part 1

Mpt-unbelief kept our forefathers from receiving their promise of rest and if left unchecked, unbelief will Also derail our hope and promise of salvation and rest. Hebrews 3:7-19 Rest and unbelief. Part 1 *1 We must check our heart Verses 7-12 Talk about the 40 years Miraculous escape Manna and water Promised […]
Jesus, Our Great High Priest

As we continue in our series in Hebrews, our text today is going to be an answer to the repeated warnings that we saw in the last two chapters. By way of introduction, Lets recap the last two chapters worth of warnings we’ve received in Hebrews: 3:6 Christ is faithful over God’s house as […]